From designing complex algorithms for intrusion detection to implementing hardware and software patterns for enterprise workloads, MkIV is involved in the design, development and utilisation of cutting-edge technologies for the enterprise. MkIV supports demanding projects in ICT datacentre deployment, software development and cybersecurity. We thrive in challenging environments, developing coherent enterprise-level strategy and secure ICT architectures.
MkIV is currently supporting four major projects in Defence: Short-Range Ground-Based Air Defence (SRGBAD), Protected Mobility Fires (PMF), Lethality System and digitisation of Joint Fires. MkIV is committed to supporting these complex projects at each stage of the capability life cycle. MkIV provides engineering services in the areas of systems engineering, requirements management, RFT support, integration design and implementation, system safety and technical certification.
In addition to having in-house rocket system science and engineering knowledge, MkIV also has extensive experience in the design, integration and assessment of communications and electronic systems that are applicable to space applications. Our expertise includes RF system design, Electromagnetic and Environmental Effects (E3), embedded systems, robotics, rocket system engineering, computational electromagnetic modelling, Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC), RF Radiation Hazard (RADHAZ) assessments, laser safety assessments, antenna design and radar systems.
MkIV's expertise in rail extends to project engineering within a multi-disciplinary environment. MkIV provides engineering advice and project coordination in the areas of systems modelling, coordination of rail systems design and construction, signal sighting, rail dwell time requirements elicitation and resolution of RFIs from diverse disciplines such as overhead lines, structures, track, train control, civil, power, operations and maintenance.